Thursday, October 26, 2023

October Ministry Update: Discipling and Outreach

Ministry in October

How do you describe ministry in October? It's no longer the beginning of the year with all its hecticness and excitement. But it's not far enough in for the relationships that have been built to be able to sustain their own momentum. The friendships are still new and the group culture is still being learned. However, it all competes with midterms and exams. College ministry doesn't change much from year to year, but the faces change a lot. Every year we have to disciple into what it looks like to place God first in your life and not academics, mostly to the younger students, but also to some of the older students as well. And like Jesus, it often falls on deaf ears, but we hope that seeds have been planted. And every year, we do see some of them grow up, take it to heart, and mature in their walk with Christ as they make the decision to put him first. Any ministry is just saying the same old truths to a new set of people


In October, I was able to lead a small outreach/community-building event for our Asian and Asian American students. A stormy day worried me that no one would show up. But students braved the cold and the rain to come out and get involved in community. God is always at work and he was definitely working in these students that they would choose to each other over their own comfort. Pray that this continues to translate to students getting to know Christ!

Evangelism Class

Evangelism class has started for the apprentices and I get to be their teacher this year. I'm super excited to get to walk through this with them and help them grow as evangelists. Spreading the good news is so important, but oftentimes we use guilt to motivate ourselves rather than the grace and love of Jesus. I know for myself it took a long time to grow into an ease and comfort of threading the good news into my conversations consistently. When you've experienced Jesus for yourself, it's easy to include him in your stories and life because he's been there! Please pray for our apprentices and for me as we dive into what the good news is and how to spread it to our college campuses.

Thank You!

Thank you so much for your prayers and support through the years. Ministry has its ups and downs, and it is always an encouragement to know that there are people investing in the vision that God has for this place. Baby William is growing nice and healthy so far. We chose the name William because it's the name of my dad and Emily's dad. So please continue praying for Baby William and we hope that he gets to meet y'all soon!