Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Praise God the Holy Trinity

Christmas Break

In Denton with fellow campus pastor, Aaron
"But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children." Psalm 103:17

Having some time off was amazing. finally getting some time to spend with people who I don't normally get time with can be such a rejuvenation and breath of fresh air. I got to spend some time with coworkers outside of the business setting and just got to have fun with them. Building close friendships with coworkers makes working so much more fun.

Playing board games with the cousins
Going home for the break was quite the adventure. I got to eat so much good food (thanks, mom and dad!), play board games with my siblings and cousins, and have an overall great time. Getting the entire family back together again gets more difficult every year, but it's always so worth it. Coming back to Dallas, my brother and I ended up driving all the way from San Jose to Dallas, a 25 hour trip. it was quite the ordeal, but it was worth it. 

All the siblings posing
It was also great to have some time with the roommates without so many responsibilities vying for our attention. So often it's the ones at home that get our worst rather than our best. I hope that you had a great Christmas vacation as well!

Corefa Class

Corefas getting taught

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16-17

To start off the semester we had a corefa class for all of our corefas across the campuses. It was a time for us all to learn, give updates on how all of our ministries are doing, and encourage each other in building the kingdom. Our leaders learned about how to select new leaders and replace themselves as their time in college is extremely limited. 

Winter Camp

Morning worship session

"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them." Matthew 18:20

Finally, the moment you've all been waiting for. But actually, it's the event many of our students wait for: Winter Camp. Four days of worship, learning, and relating between all of our students across every campus. It's an intense time that result in many lives changed because of their encounters with the living God. 
Playing board games at winter camp

This year we talked about the church. One speaker tied the idea of church together with the body, how the body needed unity. A body without unity might be like a paralyzed body, where the brain tells it to move but the limbs won't move. A church, a body, must be unified in order to do its work. 

Staff meeting at winter camp
Another speaker related the church to a family, how a family loves one another no matter what happens. She also talked about the relation between communion and a family dinner. She made the joke that at thanksgiving dinner, her family doesn't dim the lights and start talking and thinking about just spiritual things. If the church acted more like a family, being inclusive, loving each other through difficulties, helping each other out in hard times, we would look a lot more like Jesus.

To see more about what happened at winter camp, check out this video a student made! 

Thank You!

2015-16 UTD Interns!

"Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name." 1 Chronicles 29:13

Thank you all for your support. Because of you these students' lives are being changed forever. I firmly believe that God is using your prayers and your support to impact generations to come. I know mine is changed forever already because of these experiences, and just knowing that I have a team of people who love me and believe in me. Thank you all so much.