Seminary Degree
Some of you know that I've been working on my Masters of Divinity degree for the past four years. But if you haven't, now you do! It's definitely been a challenge to work during the day and night and then study even later at night but I know many of you have gone through that same challenge (and some of you had kids at the same time!) so it's not something I want to complain about! But here I am with only four classes left, and I wanted to thank all of you for supporting me during this time and my parents for funding a lot of this education. The end is in sight!Our SICM students' last day celebration
Some of you have asked me what I'm going to do once I graduate. And the answer is the same thing I've been doing. Campus ministry is where I believe I can do the most good, and I love doing it! This degree has been a blessing by my parents who have pushed and encouraged me to do it, and it provided me an opportunity to bring something to the FOCUS that we didn't yet have. So I've been excited to get to bring the things I've been learning (like Hebrew and Greek) to the table and apply it to my ministry and how I disciple my guys.
Summer FOCUS
We've started our summer meetings and they've been off to a great start. We have about 250 students coming from our various campuses to worship and learn together. Many of my guys from my small group this past year who are still in town are coming and catching the vision of a united body of Christ following Jesus together. So please pray that students continue to encourage one another and spur each other on to love and good deeds!Summer FOCUS!
Thank You!
And thank you for all your generosity that keep myself and this ministry going. It's support raising season again, and I always look forward to getting to catch up with so many of you and let you know in more detail what's going on in the ministry. I look forward to getting to talk with y'all, and thank you again so much for being a part of what God is doing here!