So it finally happened! After many years of wondering if I should remain single, many years after that dating Emily, and many months of planning a wedding, Emily and I finally got married! Thank you to everyone who sent a letter, a gift, came out, helped prep the wedding, everything was grace. We are so lucky to have friends like y'all. It was a great week with many old friends coming out to celebrate with us and just feeling so blessed by God and everyone that you would love us enough to sacrifice so much for us. Pray for us as we figure out marriage and ministry together now!
We're off at SICM (The Student Institute of Campus Ministry) for our annual leadership training in Bellingham, WA! Actually, we haven't been able to do one up here for three years! The last time we were up here was 2019! So it has been such a great way to finish this year with bringing nearly 100 students excited about doing ministry and potentially being leaders next year! God has truly answered prayers this year about finding out footing again and building momentum coming out of the pandemic. Wait until you hear the stories that these guys have and what God has been teaching them this week!Summer
And now we're heading into the summer months! Pray for healthy students, that we can keep meeting throughout the summer, and that we can build a great student leader team with strong relationships going into the school year.
Thank You!
Thank you so much for all your support. God has been doing big things in the hearts of these students and in mine. And I wouldn't get to do what I do without your support, so thank you so much!