Hey everybody! It's been a crazy beginning of the year, it feels like I'm on a train that's going 100 mph and there's no sign of stopping!
We did our first Texas SICM right before school! We had a whole week of training in Camp Eagle right outside San Antonio. About 150 students came to be trained on how to be small group leaders and disciple-makers on campus. What a drastic difference it made to be able to meet together, worship together, and learn together again!
Welcome Week
Which led straight into two weeks of welcome week. For years now welcome week has become weeks of welcome because it takes that long to move everyone in and to put on events for them! It gives us more time to meet people, but it means we have to keep going for longer! Campus is, for the most part, back to normal. Classes are going on in-person, on-campus housing is filled back up, hundreds of people are outside at any given time. There's definitely safety measures begin taken, especially inside, masks and social distancing, but the students are here and they are back in full force. After three weeks of reaching out to students I was able to personally meet and invite over 130 students. Of that 130, about 40 tried out a small group. Of that 40 about 25 are still attending in a somewhat consistent fashion. So about 1 in 5 students have chosen to pursue Jesus in community when they were given the opportunity. Obviously this is just my experience and from my perspective. God is working in people's hearts without us, and I don't get to know whether someone is pursuing him outside of my window into their life. However, it's nice to see how God is blessing the effort that we put in and allowing us to participate in what he's doing!
Thank You!
This year, I have a core small group of about 10 guys who are the ones I'll be investing in. Thank you so much for your prayers for them. I know that made a difference. I'm excited to be studying the Bible with them. I've already had two say yes to me and I'm going to ask a third tomorrow! Please be praying for these studies as well as our fall retreat this weekend where we'll be getting significant time together. Thank you so much for all your support!