Sunday, December 27, 2020

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


Deep Dive

This year we've rebranded our typical large group fellowship on Friday nights to "Deep Dive". Instead of attempting to recreate our in-person services into an online format, we wanted to take advantage of the opportunities online provided. So our livestream Deep Dive began with the purpose of taking a 50-60 minute deep dive into scripture. So over the course of this semester our students have completed their deep dive into the gospel of Mark. Online has had its challenges, as many of you have experienced yourselves with church in this season. Surprisingly, based on our student survey that we push through our small groups, close to 200 of our students attend semi-regularly. Thank God for their consistency and their thirst to know him more!

Holidays in the Park

Instead of a Halloween party, Thanksgiving service, or Christmas party and service, this year we had to get creative and combine all of them into an outdoor event! To keep our students safe, but also feel like a family and have community, we had Halloween games in the park in the afternoon, a socially-distanced Thanksgiving dinner under the stars, and then a Christmas service on the church lawn together. Thank God it was a beautiful day, because the forecast earlier in the week had said it was going to rain! But that's the risk that comes with having to do everything outdoors this year! And you'd think that eight hours outdoors would be a beatdown for the students, but they felt like it raced by! 

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We all know that this year has had its own set of unique challenges for all of us. It hasn't been the ideal year for many of us, but just as with Joseph, with Moses, with Job, and with Jesus God makes things work together that are beyond our ability to comprehend. I hope you all have had a very merry Christmas, and I'm sure that our New Year's celebrations will look very different this year. But I pray that God is doing transformative work in us through the good times and the hard times. Thank you all for sticking with campus ministry this year despite its uncertainties. I can attest that God is indeed still working on our campuses! Thank you all so much for your support!