Monday, May 18, 2020

My Comforter, my All in All

What a crazy time we live in. I hope everyone is doing alright in this time! I know that times are unprecedented and fear and uncertainty is high, but remember that there is nothing that this world can throw at us that our God has not already overcome. If there is anyone in need or anyone in pain, I would jump at the chance to be the first to be able to offer help in any way. 


You would think that shelter-in-place would have meant a slight reprieve from work. But no! Over the past two months, I've worked harder than ever. Making the transition from in-person to online, and keeping up with so many relationships when there are no more natural touch-points adds up! We had to shift and communicate to our students all the changes that were happening. We knew that many of them would fall off without structure in their lives and we tried our best to give them some while they were staying at home unexpectedly.


We built a soundstage in my brother's garage in just a week and we've been online and live-streaming ever since! We've since moved to the church since summer started but if you haven't checked us out already we stream every Thursday at 7:30pm at! 

Small Group

My core has also moved to zoom every week, and thankfully we've had pretty consistent attendance. These guys have filled my heart with such joy this year because of their love for one another. We just had our last one where we ended the year with encouragements. Every year I've led core, we've always ended with encouragements. In our society, men seem to be discouraged from speaking their feelings and from expressing their love for one another. So every year, it's always so impactful to hear them speak to one another with love.

Thank You!

Thank you guys so much for supporting me another school year. None of these experiences would be possible without your support. Even the extra work is fulfilling because I know that my efforts honor God. Please, please, please don't hesitate to reach out if there is anything that I can pray for you about. God knows there's lots to pray about these days. But we can trust that his purposes will be fulfilled and that his plan is better than any we can think of. "because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us." (Romans 5:3-5).