Pizza Theology
We had our second semester Pizza Theology on Jesus' Second Coming. And as you can tell by the picture, we had a pretty packed house. Take a second to imagine almost 500 college-aged students willing to drive long distances to attend a four-hour, sit-and-take-notes type of lecture on a spiritual topic. It's not something that happens often, and outside of seminary students, maybe ever. But that's why I love this community. They're people who will go on to lead lives in the workplace, have families, live in the city, the suburbs, the country, and have this strong foundation of thinking critically about, and relating intimately with, God and his people. That's a transforming movement right there.
Spring Showcase
Coming up real soon is our annual Spring Showcase. It's a fundraiser to help send our potential student leaders to our leadership training conference up in Bellingham. The cost of a week-and-a-half up in Washington state with plane tickets ends up being about $700 per student, which is not something every one of them can afford. So we as a staff and community put our time and effort into helping those who need the help. Ministry leadership shouldn't be just for those who can afford it. So if you want to see a show with professional-caliber musicians, dancers, and more, then mark your calendars for April 7th. We have two shows, one at 3pm and one at 7pm with an art sale in between starting at 5:30pm. You don't want to miss this, trust me.
Prayers and Thanks
Please pray for this next week as we enter our Student Spring Impact Week. We have a crew of students from Western Washington University who are going to be spending their spring break here to help us evangelize to our campus. Pray for good weather, good conversations, and for God's will to be done.
And thank you all so much for your continual support. As the end of the year fast approaches I'm looking forward to having the time to spend some time with many of you again!