Wednesday, January 29, 2025

2025 January Update: New Year, Same God

Work-Life Balance

Hey everyone, I hope the holiday season was a blessing for you. It was William's first Christmas, and he definitely got spoiled by his friends and family. Ministry is not a career for anyone who wants what the world considers "work-life balance". As much as we dream of a steady even amounts of work and play each day, our lives rarely resemble that. And the more we dream and pursue it, the more we are disappointed when our expectations are not met. Instead, there are seasons of hard work that can only be done in that certain season. Long days and long nights. The first month of the school year is like that. Students are more open than any other time, it's a time to set the pace and the culture for the rest of the year. We can't just spread out the work evenly to later months, because the whole atmosphere of the university has changed by then. So, we go hard for weeks, sacrificing many things in our lives in order to pave the way for the rest of the year. And then we get to winter break, when most of our students have gone home to their families. There's still ministry to be done, many students do stay in the area. But even they are caught up with family functions, spending more time with their friends, out of their normal school routine. So we too, as ministers, get to spend more time with family and friends and enjoy the slower pace for a bit before things get hectic again.

Winter Retreat and The Grove!

The first hectic thing of the semester is Winter Retreat! It's out biggest event of the year and it was our largest ever this year, almost 700 students attended. The previous largest group was just over 600 and that was pre-COVID. So, God has been blessing us with more momentum as we reach more and more students. This year our theme was Following Jesus. A basic one, but always a necessary one no matter how old we are! As always, the students were eager to learn and to grow and to grow closer to one another. We've already seen some momentum from Winter Retreat as we got back into our first Grove meeting of the year on the first Friday night of the semester. We had 226 students in attendance, our second-highest number this year, only following 240 from the first week of school (back to the long days and long nights)! While the beginning of Spring Semester is not the same as the beginning of the school year, it still does have a bit of a similar feel of new beginnings. New resolutions to be more committed, to pursuing God more deeply, to joining a community and we want to capitalize on that. It's not about the numbers, but it is about being faithful to the students whom God is working in. And on a campus of over 30,000 students, we're only just scratching the surface!

Thank You!

So, please be praying as we enter into another season of hard work, long days and long nights. We want to be faithful to what God is doing here, and there is no way we should allow laziness to dictate which people get to hear about how God is moving. Thank you so much for your trust in me and in us to do what God has called us to do. Your support is a vote of confidence that we will be faithful to God's mission vision here at UTD. Thank you!

Friday, November 15, 2024

2024 November Update: Loving God's Word

How do you get a generation that is extremely biblically illiterate to become lovers of God's word? That's a question we've been asking for a few years. More and more often we have students who grew up in the church be unable to identify who Saul, David, or Solomon are. They don't know the stories of Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob. They don't know who Samson is or any of the judges. They have heard the names of some disciples but couldn't tell you that Paul wasn't one of them. Many of them have never read an entire book in the Bible. Here's how we try to address that issue!

Pizza Theology

For longer than I've worked for FOCUS, we've done Pizza Theology twice a year. We get to spend hours diving into a biblical topic. This semester, we invited Dr. Rikk Watts, a retired seminary professor, to teach our students about 1 and 2 Samuel. Dr. Watts has taught our communities multiple times over the past decade and regularly teaches our apprentices every year in their studies on the New Testament. His understanding of Scripture and love of Jesus has deeply impacted our staff and our ministry even if this generation of students don't know it. What they got was more than even we bargained for. He didn't just teach on Samuel, he challenged and opened our eyes to why God might choose stories and narratives to be the genre in which he would communicate to us in his book. As humans we are defined by our stories and when we read the Bible as it is and not as we want it to be, we might be able to define ourselves by God's story. It was an awesome experience that I know will bless our community for many years to come.

Scripture Smackdown

To capitalize on that momentum, we implemented a competition for our students that we have named Scripture Smackdown. A battle between the sexes on reading the Bible. They are awarded points for reading entire books of the Bible (this is not a memorization verse competition, but a steeped in the Word competition). We incentivize consulting other resources and reading it aloud with others to heat up the value of hearing the Word as it was originally heard: out loud and in community. We know that this is only one step towards becoming like Jesus, that simply reading does not in itself create disciples, but our students have attacked the challenge with fervor. In one week they've read 138 books of the Bible already. And the only prize is a small engraved plaque on a trophy signifying who won this year. We're very happy with how much they're already getting each other in on it, and we hope God will produce a lot of fruit from this!

Thank You!

This year has been an exciting year of innovation and change. The world has changed a lot and what has always worked for us has needed to adapt to the needs of a new generation. But it's only thanks to you guys that I get to be here and a part of it. The gospel message of God's love to the world has not changed, but the ears and the minds that hear it have. So, in a reflection of God's example, we step towards them rather than have them climb their way to us. Thank you for believing in the kingdom vision here, and I ask for continued prayer for the ways our community is growing, that it will take deep root in our students' lives and that they would follow Jesus for the rest of their lives. 

Friday, October 18, 2024

2024 October Update: The Grove and The Getaway

The year of the rebrand continues on as we attempt to embrace Gen Z as they are and rather than push them to be something they're not, meet them where they're at and bring them towards Jesus. The Grove continues to build momentum as students are excited about coming together and fellowshipping with one another. They've loved the challenging teaching, the new song repertoire by the worship band, and the care we put into establishing the Grove as a place to rest from the week and reorient towards Jesus.

The Getaway

We also rebranded our annual fall retreat to The Getaway. Historically, it's been a small group-oriented event that deepens bonds within the small groups that come. However, challenges arise when some small groups have few to no members who end up coming. This year, we decided to rethink our goals and that resulted in a new vision of wanting our larger community to form and deepen bonds with one another, without a focus on the small groups. As individuals get to know others in the community beyond just their small groups, their dedication to showing up and participating increases as well. They end up encouraging one another, feel empowered to reach out to one another for support and for advice, they spur one another on to love and good deeds. This new emphasis on the importance of God's greater community has been taking root in our community and hopefully will bear great fruit as the year continues!


The baptisms keep rolling. Every week there seems to be another baptism. God is pulling us out of the muck and into his saving grace. Whenever we study the Bible with anyone, we make our intentions clear, that not only are we reading the Bible to get to know Jesus but that they'll be brought to a decision point on whether they want to follow Jesus or not. Jesus is not a museum exhibit that we learn more about, he's a person who has extended an invitation, "Come, follow me." And we cannot ignore that invitation, we can say yes or no. And praise God that people are saying yes!

Thank You!

Without your support, I could never be a part of and bear witness to what God has done at this campus and in this community. Thank you so much for all your support, for the prayers and the donations that enable me to serve these college students every day. After nearly 10 years, God continues to show up for me and for them to make us more like Jesus every day. 

Friday, August 30, 2024

2024 August Update! Another Year!


Welcome Week

The students love 9-square!
The year has started! And just as it starts every year, this year is no different. We go hard from sun-up to way past sundown in order to meet students and give them a great first experience at UTD. Some of these students will end up joining our ministry. But the vast majority will not, and that is their choice. The gospel, though, is that God loves them where they're at and wants to be with them. And if he wants to be with them, then we do too. So, we pursue and we put ourselves out there and we make them feel welcome at this campus. Over the course of the two weeks, we probably meet between 1,000 and 2,000 unique students. A lot of students, and yet a far cry from the over 30,000 that attend this university. Our hope is that each and every student would be invited to know Jesus at some point in their college career, and this is the planting season when they are most open to that invitation. 

The Grove

We fill up the classroom!
This year we have rebranded our Friday Night Fellowship meetings to The Grove. We found that FNF meant a lot to our members, but was unmemorable to our campus. So to begin with, we wanted to articulate our values for this meeting so that we would have a clear vision. Those values boiled down to rooting deep in the word, branching out to others, and bearing fruit of a transformed life. This is how we came to the language of The Grove! It required buy-in from our current students who were attached to the old language, but they decided to follow the new direction. And it seems to be connecting because we had 240 students show up to our first meeting! For the past few years since COVID, our first meeting numbers have been around 170-190. So this is encouraging to see that something we're doing and something int he culture is shifting to being willing and open to engage in Christian community.


Our cores, what we call our small groups, have started this week and will continue to build foundations and momentum for their groups in these next few weeks. Please be praying that students get involved in this part of our ministry where they are able to grow deep in their friendships and grow in vulnerability with one another. This is the core of our ministry because so much happens when we choose to live life together like Jesus lived life with his disciples. That time together changes us to be more like him when we choose to follow, so pray for great groups!


William and his cousin!
With both myself and Emily back at work (and intense work!), we've been getting in the routine of dropping off William at daycare. It's quite a change in schedule to account for dropping off and picking up! He's been loving getting time with his cousin though. He's been such a happy baby, no sicknesses, no issues, and generous with his smiles. He's waking up in the wee hours of the night, but on the scale of babies, he's been quite kind to us. Pray for continued healthy growing for William and for energy for Emily and me as we continue to power through by the help of the Holy Spirit and God's gift of caffeine.

Thank You!

Thank you all so much for another year on the team. It's because of your support and generosity that I'm able to continue to minister to these college students and pass on a Jesus-loving culture from one generation to the next. Looking forward to a great year, one full of problems and opportunities that God will use to grow his people! 

Friday, June 28, 2024

2024 June Update: Summer

Hey everyone!

 Summer is here and often people ask what do you do in the summer? Well, there's still students around so there's still ministry to do! However, thank God that the pace is more relaxed than the school year. During the school year it can often feel like a sprint. You have 10 months to build a deep relationship with many of these students, and often by simply acting like Jesus you become the best friend they've ever had. By being purposeful in your questions and authentic in your care through the good and the bad, you become one of the closest confidantes for most students that come across your path. However, that requires a lot of time and energy. And it's meant to set the stage for them to see an example of Jesus like that and become that kind of an influence on others. So the summer comes as a change of pace, because it's impossible to grow at that pace forever. Just as God created the world to have seasons of growth, harvest, and rest, so do our lives. Summer is the chance for those relationships to rest in their growth, to enjoy the harvest after 10 months of growing, and for us ministers to rest a bit before getting up to do it again in just a little while. That doesn't mean I no longer meet with students! There are still a couple that I keep going in the summer because of their needs, and there are new students that I may not have gotten a chance to meet in the school year! But a lot of time becomes dedicated to support-raising and getting to catch up and visit with old friends and maintain the fields of my life that may have been left untended during the school year.

JaM Camp

Emily, William, and I were able to help out our church’s kids camp called JaM camp that is hosted in Oklahoma. It’s a long drive and a four-day trip so it was a commitment, but it was a great experience and ministry is more than just for college kids. 


 Our college students still get opportunities to serve and be together over the summer. Here’s a crew that helped out a church take down VBS decorations. What college students lack in finances and experience they make up for with strong backs and willing hearts!

Thank you!

 Thank you for all your prayers, love, and support. It has been a sweet summer working on integrating my family and ministry so that I can continue to do what God has called me to as a college minister and now as a father. But it’s because of all of you that I get to continue this journey and be like Jesus to so many kids who need him. So thank you all so much!



Tuesday, April 30, 2024

2024 April Update: He's Here!

Unity in the Body

During Holy week, the week leading up to Easter, we put on an event with the other campus ministries as well as many of the churches in the area called Resurrection Fair. This is an opportunity to evangelize to the students on campus, bless them, and show the campus that we are united ministries and not competing ones. Though we may have slightly different doctrines, and meet on different days of the week, we all believe in the resurrection of Jesus and his saving power for us. 


The baptism train is still rolling! We've had Kayla, Renae, Maddie, and Esther get baptized in the past month! God is still moving all the way to the end of the year, and we are so glad that he pursues us when we're lost. And we have such amazing student leaders who invest week in and week out into these students in friendship and leading them to Jesus. Their impact has eternal consequences because of their faithfulness this year!

William is Here!

The baby is here and I am so thankful for everyone's support! It was a relatively smooth pregnancy and delivery and he's been gaining weight like clockwork. Praise God for an easy first baby to convince us that we can handle more down the road!

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

2024 March Update: Baptisms Galore!

Ainsley being baptized!


Praise God, this past month or so, we've had so many baptisms! We believe that baptism is such a important part of a believer's life, a moment where we step out in obedience and choose to experience God's grace even deeper. We participate with Jesus in his death and resurrection as we die to our old self in the water and are raised to new life. And within our Focus on Jesus study that we aim to do with every student in our ministry that wants to study the Bible we have a lesson on baptism, repentance, and rebirth. It ensures that everyone gets the invitation to be baptized in Jesus Christ. Over the past two months, we've baptized Roger, Ainsley, Shree, Jared, Hannah, and Michael. We find pools on campus, pools in people's backyards, or the baptistery at a church. It's always such an encouraging time to hear of how Jesus has been transforming hearts and lives and how our community gets to be a part of that!


Pizza Theology!

Pizza Theology teaching

We also had our semesterly Pizza Theology! We get together for five hours to talk about a topic in-depth. This semester we did it on the Bible, bringing it back to the basics. Over 400 students came to deepen their understanding of how to read the Bible and listen to God through his word. 

Baby William

It's baby week! The baby is due on Saturday and latest he'll come out is Tuesday for the induction. So please pray as he could come at any moment! We're both very excited to see him!

Thank You!

Baptizing Jared!
Thank you for all your generosity, I couldn't do what I do without your support. Because of you I got to baptize Jared and watch Roger get baptized. Both of them were in my small group two years ago as young men and now they've grown so much. Roger was baptized by another one of the guys in that group I led that year. That year and those relationships we formed has been sharpening all of us and God has used us immensely to help each other grow. So, thank you for investing in this ministry and in guys like them! They get to experience Christ and show him to each other because of you.

This is Roger during our weekly Bible Study!

Michael getting baptized!